Contract Cleaners Association of Ghana (CCAG) is a body of private large, medium and Small scale businesses in the cleaning industry
The vision of the Association is to foster cohesion by promoting healthy competition among its members and to raise the industry standards to be at par with international best practices.
To position CCAG as the first point of call for all cleaning and hygiene related issues in Ghana.
To give opportunity to members to partake in trade shows, international conferences, trainings and webinars that makes them active players in the global cleaning community.
To create a networking platform for members where knowledge sharing and skills transfer is possible.
To create an arbitration and mediation avenue to resolve conflicts that may arise between members and their clients in the line of duty.
Our membership comprises of companies who offer varied forms of services in cleaning, hygiene and the environment. We also have local manufactures of cleaning related products and distributors of cleaning products as members.
Alliance partnership with ISSA- World cleaning body
Other affiliates; NCCA, CASA of South African
C-SPAN of Nigeria